
Here you can find further information about the method as well as examples for applications

Nanoseismic Monitoring

SICK, B., WALTER, M., & JOSWIG, M. 2012. Visual Event Screening of Continuous Seismic Data by Supersonograms. Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Vol. 2 – Pure and Applied Geophysics, PAGEOPH. doi:10.1007/s00024-012-0618-x

JOSWIG, M. 2008. Nanoseismic Monitoring fills the gap between microseismic networks and passive seismic. First Break. 26, 121-128.

JOSWIG, M. 1990. Pattern recognition for earthquake detection. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 80(1), 170-186.

Applications – Landslide Monitoring

WALTER, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2008. Seismic monitoring of fracture processes generated by a creeping landslide in the Vorarlberg Alps. First Break. 26, 131-135.

WALTER, M., NIETHAMMER, U., ROTHMUND, S. & JOSWIG, M. 2009. Joint analysis of the Super-Sauze (French Alps) mudslide by nanoseismic monitoring and UAV-based remote sensing. First Break. 27(8), 75-82.

WALTER, M., WALSER, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2011. Mapping Rainfall-Triggered Slidequakes and Seismic Landslide-Volume Estimation at Heumoes slope. Vadose Zone Journal. 10(2), 487-495.

WALTER, M., ARNHARDT, C. & JOSWIG, M. 2012. Seismic monitoring of rockfalls, slide quakes, and fissure development at the Super-Sauze mudslide, French Alps. Engineering
Geology. 128, 12-22.

WALTER, M., SCHWADERER, U. & JOSWIG, M. 2012. Analysis of Pre-collapse Failure Signals from a Destructive Rockfall by Nanoseismic Monitoring. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 3545–3555.

WALTER, M., GOMBERG, J., SCHULZ, W., BODIN, P. & JOSWIG, M. 2013. Slidequake Generation versus Viscous Creep at Softrock-landslides: Synopsis of Three Different Scenarios at Slumgullion Landslide, Heumoes Slope, and Super-Sauze Mudslide. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 2013; 18 (4): 269–280.

Applications – Induced Seismicity

SICK, B. & JOSWIG, M. 2017. Combining net-work and array waveform coherence for automatic location: examples from induced seismicity monitoring. Geophys. J.Int.,208(3),1373-1388.

HÄGE, M., BLASCHECK, P. & JOSWIG, M. 2013. EGS hydraulic stimulationmonitoring by surface arrays–location accuracy and completeness mag-nitude: the Basel Deep Heat Mining Project case study,J. Seismol.,17,51–61.

Applications – Sinkhole Monitoring

SICK, B., WALTER, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2013. Near-surface fracture and impact discovery from land-slides and sinkholes by sonogram screening. First Break,31,95–101.

WUST-BLOCH, G., H. & JOSWIG, M. 2006. Pre-collapse identification of sinkholes in unconsolidated media at Dead Sea area by ‘nanoseismic monitoring’ (graphical jackknife location of weak sources by few, low-SNR records), Geophysical Journal International, Volume 167, Issue 3, December 2006, Pages 1220–1232.

Applications – Active Fault Mapping

HÄGE, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2010. Microseismic feasibility study: Detection of small magnitude events (M L<0.0) for mapping active faults in the Betic Cordillera (Spain). Annals of Geophysics. 52. 10.4401/ag-4635.

HÄGE, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2009. Mapping local microseismicity using short-term tripartite small array installations – Case study: Coy region (SE Spain). Tectonophysics, 471, 225-231.

HÄGE, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2009. Spatiotemporal characterisation of interswarm period seismicity in the focal area of Nový Kostel (West-Bohemia/Vogtland) by a short-term microseismic study. Geophysical Journal International, 179, 1071-1079.

Applications – Aftershock Monitoring

HÄGE, M. & JOSWIG, M. 2009. Spatiotemporal distribution of aftershocks of the 2004 December 5 ML = 5.4 Waldkirch (Germany) earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 178, 1523-1532.